Many people who have been cited for reckless driving or arrested for drunk driving in Virginia have common questions, and our Manassas DUI defense lawyers developed this section on our website to educate, inform and help you through this difficult time. When you are facing a challenging case, look for your answers here. If you cannot locate the answer to your specific question, please give us a call, and our qualified Northern Virginia criminal defense attorneys will answer your legal questions.
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Will I lose my gun rights after being convicted of domestic violence?
Can I restore my gun rights even after being convicted of a crime?
Can’t I just represent myself in a criminal case? Why do I need an attorney?
What are my rights if law enforcement doesn’t have a search warrant?
Could I be arrested for using a fake ID in Virginia?
What is a felony in Virginia?
Can DNA evidence be expunged in Virginia?
Will I have to testify in my criminal case?
Should I hire a criminal defense lawyer if I know I’m guilty?
Can the police enter my home without knocking?
What penalties could I face if I don’t register on the Sex Offender Registry?
Can I withdraw my guilty plea?
What is an Alford plea?
Will hiring a criminal defense lawyer make me look guilty?
Can the police press charges against me if the victim doesn’t want to?
Should I use a public defender or hire a private attorney?
What is a capias warrant?
What does it mean to plead no contest?
What penalties could my teenager face if they are convicted of sexting?
What should I do if there is a warrant out for my arrest?